| Computer Assisted Mucosal Lesion Analysis in High Definition Digital Chromoendoscopic Colon Images Using Wavelet Techniques (ColonHD)
Project Description:
ColonHD (FWF TRP project 206) is a joint project with Michael Häfner from the St. Elisabeth Hospital, Vienna. The aim of the project
is to develop a computer-based decision support system for an automated diagnosis of colon cancer based on high-definition digital chromoendoscopic colon imagery.
Staging is done according to
a histopathologic ground truth. Images and videos as acquired in Vienna are transfered to Salzburg in
anonymous fashion. The Salzburg branch is developing custom classification
techniques based on various incarnations of the wavelet transform where the aim is to achieve equivalent classification results as compared
to the histological findings.
- June 2011 - December 2013
- [Wimmer18a
] Training of polyp staging systems using mixed imaging modalities Georg Wimmer, Michael Gadermayr, Roland Kwitt, Michael Häfner, Toru Tamaki, Shigeto Yoshida, Shinji Tanaka, Dorit Merhof, Andreas Uhl Computers in Biology and Medicine 102, pp. 251-259, 2018
- [Ribeiro16d
] Exploring Texture Transfer Learning for Colonic Polyp Classification via Convolutional Neural Networks Eduardo Ribeiro, Michael Häfner, Georg Wimmer, Toro Tamaki, J.J.W. Tischendorf, S. Yoshida, S. Tanaka, Andreas Uhl In 14th International IEEE Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI'17)April 2017
- [Elmer15c
] Impact of Lossy Image Compression on CAD Support Systems for Colonoscopy Peter Elmer, Michael Häfner, Toru Tamaki, Shinji Tanaka, Rene Thaler, Andreas Uhl, Shigeto Yoshida In Computer-Assisted and Robotic Endoscopy (CARE'15), pp. 1-11, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9515, Oct. 2016
- [Ribeiro16a
] Colonic Polyp Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks Eduardo Ribeiro, Andreas Uhl, Michael Häfner In Proceedings of the 29th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS'16), pp. 253-258, June 2016
- [Elmer16a
] Compression-scenarios for LIRE-based CBIR on colonoscopy data Peter Elmer, Michael Häfner, Toru Tamaki, Shinji Tanaka, Rene Thaler, Andreas Uhl, Shigeto Yoshida In Proceedings of Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2016 (BVM'16), pp. 152-157, Springer Informatik Aktuell, March 2016
- [Wimmer16d
] Evaluation of i-Scan Virtual Chromoendoscopy and Traditional Chromoendoscopy for the Automated Diagnosis of Colonic Polyp Georg Wimmer, Michael Gadermayr, Roland Kwitt, Andreas Häfner, Dorit Merhof, Andreas Uhl In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Computer-Assisted and Robotic Endoscopy (CARE), pp. 59-71, Springer LNCS, 10170, 2016
- [Ribeiro16b
] Transfer Learning for Colonic Polyp Classification using Off-the-Shelf CNN Features (Best Paper Award, 3rd Place) Eduardo Ribeiro, Andreas Uhl, Georg Wimmer, Michael Häfner In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Computer-Assisted and Robotic Endoscopy (CARE'16), pp. 1-13, Springer LNCS, 10170, 2016
- [Ribeiro16c
] Exploring Deep Learning and Transfer Learning for Colonic Polyp Classification Eduardo Ribeiro, Andreas Uhl, Georg Wimmer, Michael Häfner Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2016, pp. Article ID 6584725, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2016
- [Wimmer16c
] A novel Filterbank especially designed for the Classification of Colonic Polyps Georg Wimmer, Anndreas Vecsei, Andreas Uhl In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on pattern Recognition (ICPR), pp. 2150-2155, 2016
- [Wimmer16a
] Directional Wavelet based Features for Colonic Polyp Classification Georg Wimmer, Toru Tamaki, J.J.W. Tischendorf, Michael Häfner, Shinji Tanaka, Shigeto Yoshida, Andreas Uhl Medical Image Analysis 31, pp. 16-36, 2016
- [Liedlgruber16b
] Texture description using Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Packets M. Liedlgruber, M. Häfner, J. Hämmerle-Uhl, A. Uhl In Advances in Multimedia Information Processing -- Proceedings of the 17th Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM'16), pp. 181-190, Xi'an, China, Springer LNCS, 9916, September 15 - September 16, 2016
- [Haefner15a
] Colonic Polyp Classification in High- Definition Video Using Complex Wavelet-Packets Michael Häfner, Michael Liedlgruber, Andreas Uhl In Proceedings of Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2015 (BVM'15), pp. 365-370, March 2015
- [Haefner15b
] Local Fractal Dimension based approaches for Colonic Polyp Classification Michael Häfner, Toru Tamaki, Shinji Tanaka, Andreas Uhl, Georg Wimmer, Shigeto Yoshida Medical Image Analysis 26, pp. 92-107, 2015
- [Uhl14a
] A systematic evaluation of the scale invariance of texture recognition methods Andreas Uhl, Georg Wimmer Pattern Analysis and Applications 18, pp. 945-969, Springer London, 2015
- [Haefner14d
] Shape and Size Adapted Local Fractal Dimension for the Classification of Polyps in HD colonoscopy Michael Häfner, Andreas Uhl, Georg Wimmer In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2014 (ICIP'14)Oct. 2014
- [Haefner14a
] Comparison of Super-Resolution Methods for HD-Video Endoscopy M. Häfner, M. Liedlgruber, A. Uhl In Proceedings of Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2014 (BVM'14), pp. 78-83, Aachen, Germany, Springer Informatik aktuell, March 2014
- [Haefner14c
] Evaluation of Super-Resolution Methods in the Context of Colonic Polyp Classification Michael Häfner, Michael Liedlgruber, Andreas Uhl, Georg Wimmer In Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI'14), pp. 1-6, 2014
- [Haefner14b
] Bridging the Resolution Gap Between Endoscope Types for a Colonic Polyp Classification M. Häfner, M. Liedlgruber, A. Uhl, G. Wimmer In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'14), pp. 2739-2744, 2014
- [Haefner13c
] A Novel Shape Feature Descriptor for the Classification of Polyps in HD Colonoscopy A. Häfner, A. Uhl, G. Wimmer In Medical Computer Vision. Large Data in Medical Imaging (Proceedings of the 3rd International MICCAI - MCV Workshop 2013), pp. 205-213, Springer LNCS, 8331, 2014
- [Haefner13a
] POCS-based Super-Resolution for HD Endoscopy Video Frames M. Häfner, M. Liedlgruber, A. Uhl In Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS'13), pp. 185-190, June 2013
- [Haefner13b
] Super-Resolution Techniques Evaluated in the Context of HD Endoscopic Imaging M. Häfner, M. Liedlgruber, A. Uhl Department of Computer Sciences, University of Salzburg, Austriahttp://www.cosy.sbg.ac.at/tr, Technical Report 2013-04, 2013
- [Hegenbart13a
] Scale invariant texture descriptors for classifying celiac disease Sebastian Hegenbart, Andreas Uhl, Andreas V\'ecsei, Georg Wimmer Medical Image Analysis 17:4, pp. 458-474, 2013
- [Hegenbart12b
] Customised Frequency Pre-filtering in a Local Binary Pattern-Based Classification of Gastrointestinal Images Sebastian Hegenbart, Stefan Maimone, Andreas Uhl, Andreas V\'ecsei, Georg Wimmer In Medical Content-Based Retrieval for Clinical Decision Support, pp. 99-109, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7723, Oct. 2012
- [Haefner12b
] Evaluation of Cross-validation Protocols for the Classification of Endoscopic Images of Colonic Polyps M. Häfner, M. Liedlgruber, S. Maimone, A. Uhl, A. V\'ecsei, F. Wrba In Proceedings of the 25th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS'12)June 2012
- [Haefner12a
] Delaunay Triangulation-based Pit Density Estimation for the Classification of Polyps in High-magnification Chromo-colonoscopy M. Häfner, M. Liedlgruber, A. Uhl, A. V\'ecsei, F. Wrba Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 107:3, pp. 565-581, 2012
- [Liedlgruber11e
] Computer-aided Decision Support Systems for Endoscopy in the Gastrointestinal Tract: A Review Michael Liedlgruber, Andreas Uhl IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering 4, pp. 73-88, 2012