| Traceability of logs by means of digital images (TreeBio)
Project Description:
TreeBio (FWF TRP project 254) is a joint project with the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences
(School of Forest Products Technology), where we have the role of a national research partner. The aim of the project is
to verify the traceability of logs on the basis of additional data acquisition in the
forest (digital imagery) and to describe the main methodical framework for this approach to be taken. Focus is set on the development of feature descriptors, which are
experessive enough to identify a single log (i.e. tree) based on a digital image of its cross-section.
- [Schraml16b
] Log End Image Databases: Biometric Tracking \& Image Analysis Rudolf Schraml Master thesis, Department of Scientific Computing, University of Salzburg, Austria, June 2016
- [Schraml16a
] Roundwood Tracking using Log End Biometrics Rudolf Schraml, Johann Charwat-Pessler, Karl Entacher, Alexander Petutschnigg, Andreas Uhl In Proceedings of the Annual GIL Meeting (GIL'2016), pp. 189-192, LNI, Gesellschaft für Informatik, 2016
- [Schraml16c
] On rotational pre-alignment for tree log end identification using methods inspired by fingerprint and iris recognition Rudolf Schraml, Heinz Hofbauer, Alexander Petutschnigg, Andreas Uhl Machine Vision and Applications 27:8, pp. 1289-1298, 2016
- [Schraml15a
] Tree log identification based on digital cross-section images of log ends using fingerprint and iris recognition methods Rudolf Schraml, Heinz Hofbauer, Andreas Uhl Department of Computer Sciences, University of Salzburg, Austriahttp://www.cosy.sbg.ac.at/tr, Technical Report 2015-01, 2015
- [Schraml15b
] Validation and Reliability of the Discriminative Power of Geometric Wood Log End Features Rudolf Schraml, Alexander Petutschnigg, Andreas Uhl In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'15), pp. 3665-3669, 2015
- [Schraml15c
] Tree Log Identification Based on Digital Cross-Section Images of Log Ends Using Fingerprint and Iris Recognition Methods Rudolf Schraml, Heinz Hofbauer, Alexander Petutschnigg, Andreas Uhl In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP'15), pp. 752-765, LNCS, Springer Verlag, 2015
- [Schraml15d
] Towards the applicability of biometric wood log traceability using digital log end images Rudolf Schraml, Johann Charwat-Pessler, Alexander Petutschnigg, Andreas Uhl Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 119, pp. 112-122, 2015
- [Schraml14a
] Temporal and longitudinal variances in wood log cross-section image analysis Rudolf Schraml, Johann Charwat-Pessler, Andreas Uhl In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'14)Paris, FR, Oct. 2014
- [Schraml14b
] Similarity based cross-section segmentation in rough log end images Rudolf Schraml, Andreas Uhl In L. Iliadis, others, editors, Proceedings of the 10th Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations Conference (AIAI'14), pp. 614-621, Rhodes, GR, Springer IFIP AICT, 436, Sep. 2014
- [Schraml14c
] Robustness of biometric wood log traceability using digital log end images Rudolf Schraml, Johann Charwat-Pessler, Alexander Petutschnigg, Andreas Uhl Department of Computer Sciences, University of Salzburg, Austriahttp://www.cosy.sbg.ac.at/tr, Technical Report 2014-08, 2014
- [Schraml13b
] TreeBio - Preliminary study on traceability of tree logs using digital log end images Rudolf Schraml Master thesis, Department of Scientific Computing, University of Salzburg, Austria, June 2013
- [Schraml13a
] Pith Estimation on Rough Log End Images using Local Fourier Spectrum Analysis Rudolf Schraml, Andreas Uhl In Proceedings of the 14th Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging (CGIM'13)Innsbruck, AUT, Feb. 2013