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An Effective and Efficient Visual Quality Index Based on Local Edge Gradients | |||||||
This is "The Multimedia Signal Processing and Security Lab", short WaveLab, website. We are a research group at the Artificial Intelligence and Human Interfaces (AIHI)
Department of the University of Salzburg led by Andreas Uhl.
Our research is focused on Visual Data Processing and associated security questions. Most of our work is currently concentrated on Biometrics, Media Forensics and
Media Security, Medical Image and Video Analysis, and application oriented fundamental research in digital humanities, individualised aquaculture and sustainable wood
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PaperHeinz Hofbauer, Andreas Uhl, "An Effective and Efficient Visual Quality Index based on Local Edge Gradientas", In IEEE 3rd European Workshop on Visual Information Processing, pp. 6pp., Paris, France, July 4-6,2011ErrataIn step 5 of the algorihtm the equation should read:Source code used for the paperVQI v0.3 | |||||||